#!/bin/bash ## $Id: lvm-snapshot-backup-wrapper.sh,v 1.5 2009/05/27 12:18:32 wschlich Exp wschlich $ ## vim:ts=4:sw=4:tw=200:nu:ai:nowrap: ## ## Created by Wolfram Schlich ## Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 ## ## ## NOTES ## ===== ## - you have to run 'bash -O extglob -O extdebug -n thisscriptfile' to test this script! ## ## ## bashinator basic variables ## export __ScriptFile=${0##*/} # thisscript.sh export __ScriptName=${__ScriptFile%.sh} # thisscript export __ScriptPath=${0%/*}; __ScriptPath=${__ScriptPath%/} # /path/to/this/script export __ScriptHost=$(hostname -f) # host.example.com ## ## bashinator library and config ## ## system installation export __BashinatorConfig="/etc/${__ScriptName}/bashinator.cfg.sh" export __BashinatorLibrary="/usr/lib/bashinator.lib.0.sh" # APIv0 ## local installation in dedicated script path #export __BashinatorConfig="${__ScriptPath}/bashinator.cfg.sh" #export __BashinatorLibrary="${__ScriptPath}/bashinator.lib.0.sh" # APIv0 if ! source "${__BashinatorConfig}"; then echo "!!! FATAL: failed to source bashinator config '${__BashinatorConfig}'" 1>&2 exit 2 fi if ! source "${__BashinatorLibrary}"; then echo "!!! FATAL: failed to source bashinator library '${__BashinatorLibrary}'" 1>&2 exit 2 fi ## ## application library and config ## ## system installation export ApplicationConfig="/etc/${__ScriptName}/${__ScriptName}.cfg.sh" export ApplicationLibrary="/usr/lib/${__ScriptName}.lib.sh" ## local installation in dedicated script path #export ApplicationConfig="${__ScriptPath}/${__ScriptName}.cfg.sh" #export ApplicationLibrary="${__ScriptPath}/${__ScriptName}.lib.sh" if ! source "${ApplicationConfig}"; then echo "!!! FATAL: failed to source application config '${ApplicationConfig}'" 1>&2 exit 2 fi if ! source "${ApplicationLibrary}"; then echo "!!! FATAL: failed to source application library '${ApplicationLibrary}'" 1>&2 exit 2 fi ## ## boot bashinator ## __boot || exit 2 ## ## dispatch the application with all command line arguments ## __dispatch "${@}" || exit 2